Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ryder Gregory Heuvel

It's been quite the week as we welcomed Ryder into our home and our hearts. He made his grand entrance after 16 hours of labor on October 29th at 4:32 am. He weighed in at 9 lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches long. He was healthy and absolutely beautiful! As long as he has a full tummy he seems to be pretty mellow and absolutely snuggly. I am thankful that he is such a big and sturdy baby because his big sister adores him to pieces and is full of hugs and kisses for him.
It's amazing how different the second kiddo is! I think on the second one you realize how the littleness doesn't stay so little for long... and I just want to enjoy him... and soak in his sweetness! His sweet soft skin, his smell, and his tiny fingers and toes. I am sure there will be tons of more pictures to come but these are just a few that I was able to snap this week. These were taken on November 3, 2010... He was 5 days old.

I just love his scrumptious smile!!! Oh what I would give to know what he was dreaming about!

A new baby is like the beginning of all things--- Wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. -Eda J. Leshan


  1. What a keeper Kori! Sorry we didn't connect before his birth.. maybe soon?

  2. I want to snuggle up in that blanket! He is so sweet. :-)
